I use Azure a lot to create virtual machines for demos and application prototypes. It often takes me a long time to setup these rigs, so once I finally get things the way I like them I really don’t want to duplicate that effort. Fortunately, Azure lets us clone VMs. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy to figure out if you’ve never done it before. In my case, it’s even harder because the applications I build are designed to run on Hadoop clusters. At a minimum I need to provision 3 VMs (that’s a 3-node cluster) with tens of GBs of data in secondary disk storage, and more hostname based service configurations than you can shake a stick at. To set this up every time I need to present a demo would be completely unsustainable. It’s FAR easier to setup a single demo rig then clone it as needed. So, that’s what I’m going to describe how to do here.
Here’s how I clone a 3-node cluster:
Once you have a rig that you want to clone, your first step is to deallocate those VMs, then generalize and capture their disk images. Here’s how I typically do that for a three node cluster:
for NODENAME in nodea nodeb nodec; do azure vm deallocate --resource-group $RG1 --name $NODENAME & done
for NODENAME in nodea nodeb nodec; do azure vm generalize --resource-group $RG1 --name $NODENAME & done
for NODENAME in nodea nodeb nodec; do azure vm capture --resource-group $RG1 --name $NODENAME --vhd-name-prefix $NODENAME --template-file-name $NODENAME.json & done
If you’re going to clone your VMs to a new resource group, then you’ll need to copy said disk images to a new storage account in that new resource group. Here is how I copy both the data and OS disk images from one storage account to another using the Azure CLI:
STORAGEKEY1=`azure storage account keys list -g $RG1 $STORAGE1 | grep key1 | awk '{print $3}'`
STORAGEKEY2=`azure storage account keys list -g $RG2 $STORAGE2 | grep key1 | awk '{print $3}'`
# Create the destination storage container
azure storage container create --container $CONTAINER2 --account-name $STORAGE2 --account-key $STORAGEKEY2
# First list the file:
azure storage blob list --container $CONTAINER1 --account-name $STORAGE1 --account-key $STORAGEKEY1
azure storage blob show --container $CONTAINER1 --account-name $STORAGE1 --account-key $STORAGEKEY1 --blob Microsoft.Compute/Images/vhds/nodea-dataDisk-0.49735bce-3c31-46ed-b5fa-8be620fb23fd.vhd
# Then copy it (I'm copying both a data disk and an os disk here):
azure storage blob copy start --account-name $STORAGE1 --account-key $STORAGEKEY1 --source-container $CONTAINER1 --source-blob Microsoft.Compute/Images/vhds/nodea-dataDisk-0.49735bce-3c31-46ed-b5fa-8be620fb23fd.vhd --dest-account-name $STORAGE2 --dest-account-key $STORAGEKEY2 --dest-container $CONTAINER2
# Then check the status of the copy like this:
azure storage blob copy show --account-name $STORAGE1 --account-key $STORAGEKEY1 $CONTAINER1 Microsoft.Compute/Images/vhds/nodea-dataDisk-0.49735bce-3c31-46ed-b5fa-8be620fb23fd.vhd
Even if the status in that last step says “success”, indicating that all the bytes have been copied, the image may not be ready for another several minutes. You’ll know you tried to provision too soon if provisioning creates the VM, but when you navigate to the VM in the azure portal it says provisioning failed because the disk images were still in “Pending” status. This is clearly a bug in the Azure CLI which I’ll talk more about in the next section.
One of the most common problems I have when cloning a VM happens when I try to provision a VM before the disk images have been copied to my destination storage account. I typically save a master copy of disk images for my VMs in a storage account that contains nothing but those disk images. That way, when I need a new demo rig I just create a new storage account (usually in a new resource group) and copy those baseline disk images to that new group with a command like this:
azure storage blob copy start [options] [sourceUri] [destContainer]
Obviously, you can’t use those disk images until the copy operations have completed. However, if you check the status of a blob copy like this:
azure storage blob copy show [options] ...
you should see whether the copy is “Pending” or “Successful”. In my experience, that command always just says “Successful”. I know this is erroneous because if I try to create a VM from my new vhd images it fails with a DiskImageNotReady error because the copy is in fact, still “Pending”. If I continue to wait from minutes to hours, depending on how far the distance between my source and destination storage account, then the copy will finally finish and VM provisioning will succeed. Let me show you what this looks like:
You can start copying a disk image with a command like this:
azure storage blob copy start --account-name $STORAGE1 --account-key $STORAGEKEY1 --source-container $CONTAINER1 --source-blob Microsoft.Compute/Images/vhds/nodec-dataDisk-0.9588f46c-9198-47f4-ac9d-8c6d71e31470.vhd --dest-account-name $STORAGE2 --dest-account-key $STORAGEKEY2 --dest-container $CONTAINER2
That copy operation is asynchronous. You can check its status with a command like this:
azure storage blob copy show --account-name $STORAGE1 --account-key $STORAGEKEY1 $CONTAINER1 Microsoft.Compute/Images/vhds/nodec-dataDisk-0.9588f46c-9198-47f4-ac9d-8c6d71e31470.vhd
info: Executing command storage blob copy show
+ Getting storage blob information
data: Copy ID Progress Status
data: ------------------------------------ --------------------------- -------
data: 67193eed-02fd-45b2-8693-efc8ad140526 1073741824512/1073741824512 success
info: storage blob copy show command OK
The progress there is clearly wrong. It did not copy 1073741824512 out of 1073741824512 bytes in only a few seconds. This is a bug with version 1 of the Azure CLI. Fortunately, the bug has been fixed with version 2, as I describe below.
How else can you see blob copy status?
How else can you see blob copy status? I’ll show you two ways.
Use the latest version of the Azure CLI.
I highly recommend moving to CLI version 2 which was re-written in Python. The problem I mentioned has been fixed in that version. You can download it from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli.
Here’s how to check the status of a blob copy with Azure CLI version 2
az storage blob show -c baseimages --account-name $STORAGE2 --account-key $STORAGEKEY2 -n iantest
Gives this output:
"copy": {
"completionTime": null,
"id": "2e067681-f835-48db-9444-5d844fabeb9b",
"progress": "55729283072/1073741824512",
"source": "https://smolskidemo.blob.core.windows.net/system/Microsoft.Compute/Images/vhds/nodec-dataDisk-0.9588f46c-9198-47f4-ac9d-8c6d71e31470.vhd?sr=b&spr=https&sp=r&sv=2016-05-31&sig=CqgOO6WetnEefBXY/UkqYltZJHVDAGKoXIMoxRJLYf4%3D&se=2017-04-05T16%3A56%3A51Z",
"status": "pending",
"statusDescription": null
See that progress status? It says 55729283072 out of 1073741824512? That’s what you should see. And you should continue to see that first number increasing. So, don’t use version 1 of the Azure CLI. Use version 2.
Use the Azure REST API
The other option is to use the Azure REST API. Use the
Get-Blob-Properties REST call and checking the x-ms-copy-status
field. If you’ve never used the Azure REST API, I recommend installing Postman and setting up a GET request as shown below. You’ll need to determine your Bearer value in the authorization header, but I don’t want to go into that right now, so just search for it.
GET - https://iansandbox3.blob.core.windows.net/baseimages?comp=list&restype=container
Authorization header:
Bearer xxxx[REDACTED]xxxx
Content-Type header:
In this post I described how to use the Azure CLI to clone VMs by generalizing and copying their disk images to new resource groups. Here are the power moves that advanced Azure users will do which most people overlook when trying to create and troubleshoot provisioning errors based on generalized disk images.
- Use Azure CLI V2 (not V1)
- Use Azure JSON templates to provision VMs and other infrastructure
- Use Resource Explorer http://resources.azure.com for troubleshooting
- Use the Azure REST API for troubleshooting